CASPR Honours graduate Ellen Fogarty has just published the article ‘Investigating food waste recycling in local food service businesses: A case study from a local government area in Australia’ in Sustainability journal, with CASPR research lead A/Prof Beverley Clarke and CASPR associate A/Prof Kirstin Ross.
Ellen’s research investigated current food waste management practices within food service businesses in the City of Mitcham with the aim of understanding the challenges food waste management presents to business owners.
Ellen Fogarty., photo by Cath Leo
“The majority of businesses that did recycle food waste were motivated to do so by environmentally conscious staff or family members. Those that did not already recycle food waste indicated they would be encouraged to do so if it was made free and convenient for them” says Ellen.
Insights will inform the creation of an effective, economic and sustainable food waste management program, leading to a reduction in the quantity of waste sent to landfill.
You can read more about the study here, or access the entire article here.