Higher Degree Research with CASPR

Research degrees with CASPR will give you the opportunity to work with academic experts across a vast range of climate resilience and policy topics. We are currently hosting a number of PhD and Honours research students with areas of research including environmental policy, climate policy, climate adaptation, climate resilience, climate security, coastal sustainability, policy analysis, evidence-based policy and cultural values. Higher degree research (HDR) students are given the opportunity to delve into topics of particular …

Internship Opportunity: CASPR 2020

By Lincoln Bennett At the end of 2019 I was encouraged to apply for an internship opportunity at Flinders University. Having taken a keen interest in environmental law and policy throughout my undergraduate degrees, I decided it would be in my best interests to apply. The CASPR internship was an excellent opportunity to develop my research skills and experience working with those in the environmental sector. During my time at university I never considered exposing …

Self-employed women, retirement planning and flawed public policy

By Ros Wong I am obsessed with neoliberalism, creative financial processes and capitalism, and the gendered dynamics they reproduce.  Financialisation was a process that incorporated all three with direct and indirect effects. Thus, financialisation grounded both my M.A. and the PhD I commenced in 2015. My research centred on women in business across Australia. My doctoral thesis investigates why many self-employed women in Australia are unable to secure economic stability in old age. Consecutive neoliberal …

From face-to-face to digital conferences

By Cobi Calyx It feels surreal now that about two months ago I was shaking hands, sharing food and squeezing into crowded rooms with peers at the Australian Science Communicators conference, hosted by the Monash Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI) in Melbourne in mid-February. Had I known it would be the last physical conference I’d attend this year, I might have appreciated overloading my schedule with presentations each day. It was a whirlwind of participation, some …

The Australian Political Studies Association PhD Day

As someone at the beginning of their academic career, as a PhD student, being on the Executive Committee is daunting as many of the other Executive Committee members are scholars whose work I am inspired by. Having said that, I’m grateful for the opportunity to get to know these scholars and learn from them in any capacity. Overall, I am honoured to have been selected for this opportunity and hope that I represent my peers well.

Risk, rationality and expertise

Decision scientists advocating risk as universal conceptual framework, and risk-based decision-making as prescription for public policymaking, display a worrying disregard for many decades worth of policy studies research.

Podcasts, pedagogy and public sociology

I am inspired by critical pedagogies, informal education models and I enjoy experimenting with teaching styles that promote democratic dialogue and independent enquiry rather than me delivering another monologue. With these things in mind, I decided to create a publicly available podcast as the central piece of content for the new unit. In my last episode, I interviewed Cassandra Star about climate justice and environmental security.