CASPR Internship Success with Georgia, Bella & Cecilia

As part of their outreach program, CASPR hosts undergraduate and Honours student interns every year. In winter 2021, four enthusiastic students successfully completed research projects with CASPR’s lead academics.   Georgia worked on a project with Associate Professor Cassandra Star:   “As a research intern with CASPR during the winter break of 2021, I had the exciting opportunity to Read more…

Extreme Event Attribution in Media Reporting of Wildfires in the US, Canada, and Australia: Anti-reflexivity and the Climate Countermovement

Associate Professor Cassandra Star and Dr. Josh Holloway have been awarded one of eleven prestigious Climate Obstruction Research grants from the Climate Social Science Network (CSSN), headquartered at Brown University. The internationally-competitive grant will contribute toward research examining attribution of bushfires and wildfires to climate change in the media in the United States, Canada, and Australia.  Intense bush and Read more…

Does ‘formal’ stakeholder consultation influence the outcome of Australian food regulatory policy?

An article recently published in the Health Promotion International journal reports on work conducted by Flinders and Deakin University researchers that examined the food regulatory decision-making process in Australia. The national policy on the voluntary fortification of foods and drinks with vitamins and minerals developed between 2002 and 2012, was used as a case study to understand the best means for public health professionals to effectively engage Read more…

Judi’s Path to a PhD with CASPR

My Honours dissertation proved that directors of five Australian fossil fuel corporations had contravened several criminal sections of the Corporations Act, by their conduct in relation to climate change, and that they could be sentenced to jail, receive hefty personal fines, and be disqualified from holding directorships of Australian companies Read more…